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Job Seekers - Soft Skills, Personality Development

  • 10 Steps


Soft Skills -   These are the qualities, behaviours, routines, and abilities required to endure and flourish in the global workplace. Soft skills aren't typically taught in schools, but this program will teach you all of them. Are you someone that other people in your organisation and industry enjoy to work with, cooperate with, and partner with? Do people consider you to be a great asset for any upcoming projects? You will learn how to develop the soft skills that can make the difference between a career that is unfulfilling and ends at middle management and one that propels you to the executive suite or wherever you define career success. Several soft skills appear to be common sense at first look, but most workers do not regularly use them. You will have an advantage over your rivals thanks to our soft skills training course. Also, it will make your life, career, and work more fulfilling and joyful. This is a self-paced training program that helps you develop and bridge the employability skills (soft skills) gap for your professional excellence. It helps you to meet the interview with self-confidence to win your dream job. Program involves Interpersonal Communication Presentation Skills Email and Virtual Communication Working in Teams Negotiation Skills Leadership Management Art of Effective Pitching Mock Interview Prep-up CV Writing Professional Behavior's Job Search Strategy Networking Skills Coaching – Live Sessions Domain Specific Groups

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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